The Sporadic-E season continues to be strong. 😎 Four was open to G, GW, EI & EA in the morning already. At 10z WW1L/FN54 made it into the log on 6 m but should be the only one. 4 m was open to Croatia and Slovenia early afternoon but just two QSOs made, running out of (new) stations to work down there.
2 m opened to the south at the same time:
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13:31 IT9GSF JM67ST -10 +10 2 m. FT8 ES 1710 13:48 9H1TX JM75FU +02 +01 2 m. FT8 ES 1927 13:52 IT9SWH JM77NM +06 +01 2 m. FT8 ES 1743 13:59 IT9BDM JM77NE 51 55 2 m. SSB ES 1780 14:43 IZ8JFA JM89CH -05 -14 2 m. FT8 ES 1550 ------------------------------------------------------------------
At 14:20z W9DR/EM78 was caught on 6 m but the band never really opened over here. Four opened again to the west later in the evening and also enabled me to do a few nice SSB contacts in the UK Activity Contest:
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 19:24 GI4SNA IO64XM 59 59 4 m. SSB ES 1331 19:28 EI2FG IO61AX 59 59 4 m. SSB ES 1497 19:30 EI7HBB IO53SQ 59 59 4 m. SSB ES 1496 19:34 MØGHZ IO81VK 59 55 4 m. SSB ES 1130 19:43 GDØAMD/P IO74QD 59 57 4 m. SSB ES 1241 19:47 2EØVCC/P IO7ØSP 59 57 4 m. SSB ES 1307 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The evening was rounded off with double hop to CU1EZ/HM76 in SSB on 6 m and EA8JF/IL38 on 4 m. 😎