March VHF Contest ’22

This must have been one of our worst March VHF results. 🙁 Very low activity, bad condx … but still a respectable placement coming in as #7 Multi OP which is not bad for our remote location. Finished a few smaller things around the shack and most important: had fun being together! 😀

                VHFREG1 Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2022-03-04

    CallSign Used : DF0UM
      Operator(s) : DG1BHA, DH8BQA, DL3BQA, DM5DX

Operator Category : MULTI-OP
             Band : 2M
            Power : HIGH
       Gridsquare : JO73CE

         Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.9466.0

        Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Pt/Q
         144  CW      44   18025 409,7
         144  USB    221   70575 319,3
       Total  Both   265   88600 334,3

            Score : 88.600

              Rig : IC-9700 + PA
         Antennas : 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi
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