When doing the AGCW VHF contest last year after stumbling across it by coincidence I had so much fun I put a marker on the calendar for this year’s date to participate again. Had a late start, i.e. 20 min into the contest only, but compared to last year found activity rather lacking. Condx were not good either, I was challenged by heavy thunderstorms around my QTH and according thunder crashes which made copy of weak signals a real challenge. Nevertheless made a few nice QSOs in the most analogue mode we have. 😉
Contest Report from DH8BQA in JO73CE at 144 MHz =============================================== Contest : AGCW VHF July '19 Date : 2019 Jun 15 Section : 144MHz Single OP QTH : Woltersdorf TX : Elecraft K3, K144XV + PA, 600 W RX : Elecraft K3, K144XV Antenna : 9 ele G0KSC LFA Yagi, 10 mAGL, 60 mASL Log : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995, http://www.qsl.net/oz2m QSOs : 24 -invalid: 0 Points/QSO -valid : 24 QSO-points (*1) : 10880 453 AGCWs : 3 AGCW bonus (0) : 0 0 WWLs : 16 WWL bonus (0) : 0 0 DXCCs : 4 DXCC bonus (0) : 0 0 --------------------------- ------ Total score : 10880 453 ODX : G4SWX in JO02RF at 865 km Worked AGCWs: A : 1 B : 12 C : 11 Worked World Wide Locators: JN39: 2 JN59: 2 JO30: 1 JO41: 1 JO51: 2 JO63: 1 JN49: 2 JN99: 1 JO31: 4 JO42: 2 JO61: 1 JO72: 1 JN58: 1 JO02: 1 JO40: 1 JO50: 1 Worked DXCCs: DL : 21 F : 1 G : 1 OK : 1 Top 10 QSO-points: 20190615 1647 G4SWX 559 024 559 003 C JO02RF 865 20190615 1432 F6HOK 559 005 599 011 C JN39OC 667 20190615 1445 DK2GZ 529 006 599 014 B JN49GB 606 20190615 1427 DL3ASM/P 599 004 599 010 C JO30FQ 600 20190615 1626 DJ2IT 599 023 599 029 C JN58TD 590 20190615 1420 DL6WT 599 002 599 011 C JN39VV 575 20190615 1500 DK9TF 599 011 599 022 B JO31NF 530 20190615 1449 DH7FFE 419 008 599 006 A JO40FC 525 20190615 1553 DK4EF 519 021 599 016 C JN49KW 517 20190615 1529 OK2KW 559 017 599 006 C JN99BL 494