Again some tropo, this time also fitting for JO73. 🙂 Forecast showed some possible condx for yesterday already but nothing over here while the colleagues in JO64 could already work some DX. Today sigs came up over here, too. Signals were very weak most of the time (except the 5-600 km away Dutch stations that called in, too) and in & out so FT8 could excel once more as a weak signal mode. Here are the “better” ones:
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18:52 G7RAU IN79JX -14 -08 2 m. FT8 TR 1383 18:57 G8TTI IO81WM -17 -08 2 m. FT8 TR 1122 18:58 G4TRA IO81WN -16 -12 2 m. FT8 TR 1120 18:59 G4RRA IO8ØBS -06 +00 2 m. FT8 TR 1263 19:09 GW4HDF IO81JO -19 -17 2 m. FT8 TR 1191 19:21 G3KZR IO81SC -19 -13 2 m. FT8 TR 1157 20:14 G1BHM IO7ØUU -13 -05 2 m. FT8 TR 1288 20:17 G4IJE JOØ1HP -10 -10 2 m. FT8 TR 935 20:20 G8RWG IO91WH +01 +07 2 m. FT8 TR 996 20:46 G8HGN JOØ1FO -07 +06 2 m. FT8 TR 948 21:49 GØBBB IO91PK -19 -07 2 m. FT8 TR 1030 ------------------------------------------------------------------