Finished the QSL design for our contest QSOs. Paul is using MS Publisher for his QSL artwork while I’m usually doing it with my (very old) copy of Paint Shop Pro. He was so enthusiastic about it when discussing the QSLing topic on Aruba I decided to give it a try, too (it’s included in my Microsoft Office Suite anyway). And indeed, it makes a few things much easier and has nice capabilities especially using WordArts for some nicer text designs. The learning curve was quite low as I’m used to the MS Office software anyway. So big thanks to Paul for the hint! 😎
We decided to use the same frontside for both the P4ØFA and P4ØXM contest QSOs. I analyzed the logs and among the > 10k QSOs done we only had about 300 guys who worked us in both contests, WPX-RTTY and ARRL-DX-CW. Assuming not everybody will QSL anyway, the number of guys who get the same card is really neglectable. So it was not worth the effort to design different front sides.
We *will* have different designs for all QSOs made outside of the contests. The overlap there is much bigger and of course we do not want to bore people getting the same card although they worked 3 different guys. 😉
Front side of our Aruba contest QSLs showing the P49V antenna farm from a distance.