Aurora & ES – just returned from HAMRADIO fair

Just returned from the HAMRADIO fair in Friedrichshafen. Good show and great to meet some old friends again like Enrico, I5WBE. Have worked him several times on 2 m Meteor Scatter some 20 years ago in HSCW (high speed CW, i.e. 1.000 lpm). Always nice to remember “the good old times” together although I like today’s world, too. 😉

After returning home this afternoon I was very astonished to see Aurora QSOs reported on the DX cluster! Switched on the radio and immediately worked GM4ZUK/P for my first ever Aurora QSO on 4 m! 😎 Concentrated on 4 & 6 m this time as Heiko, DG1BHA, was at the station, too, trying his luck on 2 m. So only two contacts on 144 MHz this time but with R3CT some really good DX included!

6 m opened very selectively via Sporadic-E afterwards, too, even on double hop to EA8! Good to hear some signals again, July has been rather disappointing sofar after the great ES openings in June …

15:28 GM4ZUK/P       IO86RW  55A    55A    4 m.   CW   AUR    1141
15:43 LA2QM          JO59HN  55A    59A    6 m.   CW   AUR     742
15:46 YL2JZ          KO26AW  59A    57A    6 m.   CW   AUR     751
15:50 SA5K           JO78LH  59A    59A    6 m.   CW   AUR     572
15:52 SM7FJE         JO65ML  59A    55A    6 m.   CW   AUR     266
16:06 R3CT           KO86QF  53A    57A    2 m.   CW   AUR    1518
16:22 SMØLPO         JO89TE  55A    55A    6 m.   CW   AUR     699
16:25 SM5EPO         JP8ØMC  59A    56A    6 m.   CW   AUR     788
16:32 SM6CVX         JO78FM  59A    55A    6 m.   SSB  AUR     593
16:38 YL2FZ          KO37QI  53A    59A    2 m.   CW   AUR     952
16:46 SM6CMU         JO57XK  55A    55A    6 m.   CW   AUR     493
16:49 SM6OEF         JO68KI  52A    55A    6 m.   CW   AUR     580
17:01 AM625VQ        JM19HN  599    599    6 m.   CW   ES     1751
17:03 EA4AA          IN8ØBK  59     59     6 m.   SSB  ES     1964
17:04 EA8DBM         IL18OH  59     59     6 m.   SSB  ES     3747
17:07 EA4DE          IN8ØLL  59     59     6 m.   SSB  ES     1918
17:09 EA8AQV         IL28ED  59     59     6 m.   SSB  ES     3700
17:11 EA1ASC         IN7ØDX  59     59     6 m.   SSB  ES     2016
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