Another great day! Started with a JA opening on 6 m although only 3 stations wkd (all JA8 from QN03/23). Once again I had the feeling being much too weak although running 400 watts into an 8 ele longyagi. 🙁
4 m opened 8:30z and was open literally all day long into different directions (9A, 9H, G, GM, EA, SV, YO, S5 wkd). Icing on the cake was working IZØAXF/JN61, probably still illegal. Hope Italy will get a permit to operate on 4 m again soon, there are so many potential new squares to be worked. 😉 MUF got higher and higher during the day enabling inner-DL contacts on 4 m with as low as 600 km distance to JN48! So it was just a question of time for 2 m to open and it did although we were not well positioned thus all very patchy. But a few good QSOs were made:
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14:46 EA2Z IN91MP +02 +09 2 m. FT8 ES 1710 16:01 EA6SX JM19IK +09 +11 2 m. FT8 ES 1760 17:38 EA4T IN7ØXK -04 -04 2 m. FT8 ES 1973 17:52 EA2CDY IN82VI -07 -06 2 m. FT8 ES 1711 ------------------------------------------------------------------