DARC July VHF Contest ’20

Oh boy. Seems this is the third year in a row to complain. 😀 Indeed conditions have been even worse than during the last few years. Saturday had such bad condx I could not even hear the big guns from Slovenia which are 700+ kilometers away and usually S5-7 at least. Nothing, nada, zilch, … no copy! 🙁 No Croatia and no Hungary either! Even signals on the shorter path’, i.e. like 250 km, went from S5 or sometimes even S9 down into the noise unreadible within seconds! Was it the bad condx or just bad participation, too? I really struggled to make QSOs on Saturday, no fun!

It only got better late in the evening with condx stabilizing a bit and at least a few of the big ones from Slovenia and Hungary finally popping out of the noise. Still lots of QSB but rising activity from the OK/OM guys on CW helped a bit (although QSO totals with them still way below what we were used to a few years ago). “Luckily” everybody else I talked to complained as well so I was sure it really was the condx, not the equipment. 😀 Interestingly the contacts to the east, i.e. Poland & Lithuania, were much less QSB affected.

Slept about 3 hours. Sunday morning was much better, conditions as well as my mood. Seems they are linearly linked to each other! 😀 Activity was higher now and more DX could be worked, too (although much less than usual). While I still struggled with some of the big distances Croatians the QSO with YT4B over 1.074 km was an easy one and worked right away! 😎 Always amazing, the guys must use a really great location and equipment!

In the end I still made over 350 QSOs, on par with the last two years. But the kilometer average was way down this year thus missing about 10-15k points compared to last and second-last year …

Contest Report from DH8BQA in JO73CE at 144 MHz

Date    : 2020 Jul 04 to 2020 Jul 05
Section : 01 144MHz Single OP
QTH     : Woltersdorf

TX      : IC-9700 + PA, 750 W
RX      : IC-9700 + ATF51389 pre-amp
Antenna : 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi, 20 mAGL, 70 mASL
Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995, http://www.qsl.net/oz2m

QSOs    :  354
-invalid:    0                                       Points/QSO
-valid  :  354     QSO-points (*1) :    129541              366
WWLs    :   70     WWL bonus (0)   :         0                0
DXCCs   :   21     DXCC bonus (0)  :         0                0
                   ---------------------------           ------
                   Total score     :    129541              366

ODX     : YT4B in JN94SE at 1074 km

Worked World Wide Locators:
JN38:  1   JN77:  1   JN99:  7   JO44:  1   JO65:  5   JO84:  3
JN39:  2   JN78:  2   JO10:  1   JO50: 14   JO67:  1   JO90:  1
JN47:  4   JN79: 19   JO20:  1   JO51: 20   JO68:  1   KN08:  1
JN48:  3   JN85:  2   JO21:  1   JO52:  9   JO70: 13   KN18:  1
JN49:  6   JN86:  3   JO30:  6   JO53:  9   JO71: 14   KO04:  3
JN58:  4   JN87:  3   JO31:  9   JO55:  1   JO72:  6   KO13:  1
JN59:  6   JN88:  7   JO32:  4   JO59:  1   JO73:  6   KO14:  2
JN65:  1   JN89: 11   JO33:  1   JO60: 11   JO74:  1   KO15:  1
JN68:  3   JN94:  1   JO40:  3   JO61: 17   JO75:  1   KO16:  1
JN69:  8   JN95:  1   JO41:  9   JO62: 30   JO80:  6   KO24:  1
JN75:  1   JN97:  1   JO42: 14   JO63:  7   JO83:  2   KO25:  1
JN76:  2   JN98:  5   JO43:  7   JO64:  2   

Worked DXCCs:
9A :   4   HA :   6   OE :   3   OZ :   6   SM :   4   UR :   1
DL : 211   HB :   2   OK :  66   PA :   3   SP :  16   YL :   1
EU :   1   LA :   1   OM :  12   S5 :   5   UA2:   3   YU :   1
F  :   1   LY :   5   ON :   2   

Top 20 QSO-points:
20200705 0520 YT4B           559  200 599  284   JN94SE    1074
20200705 0916 9A0V           599  269 599  349   JN95PE     963
20200705 0934 9A0BB          519  271 599  366   JN85EI     886
20200705 0955 9A1P           559  273 599  456   JN65VG     881
20200705 0945 9A1E           599  272 599  193   JN85QT     852
20200705 0002 S59DEM         599  195 599  467   JN75DS     825
20200705 1050 HB9GF          55   299 59   378   JN47BC     803
20200704 1833 LA0BY          519  118 559  001   JO59IX     785
20200705 0906 UT4YWA         519  267 599  115   KN18LV     775
20200704 2357 S50C           599  194 599  465   JN76JG     771
20200705 1032 ON4KHG         57   293 59   083   JO10XO     759
20200705 0839 S59P           59   262 59   410   JN86AO     744
20200705 0658 S59ABC         55   223 59   244   JN76TO     740
20200704 2322 HG1Z           599  185 599  289   JN86KU     730
20200705 0845 S57O           59   263 59   351   JN86DT     725
20200705 0551 HA6W           599  206 599  427   KN08FB     720
20200705 0707 HB9CXK         59   227 59   049   JN47PM     720
20200704 2037 YL2AJ          559  143 559  020   KO16OX     711
20200705 0541 HA7NK          599  205 599  172   JN97WW     708
20200704 2052 DJ5MW          599  148 599  099   JN47WN     697
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