A short opening to Finland this morning, doesn’t happen too often. KP13 for a new square, now #206. All references for OH8JGG show KP24AE as his locator but he was clearly sending KP23 himself so will probably have to wait for his QSL card to be sure (didn’t find an email address either).
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:09 OH8MGK KP23PQ +08 +00 4 m. FT8 ES 1329 10:13 OH6GKW KP13NT +06 +09 4 m. FT8 ES 1287 10:16 OH8JGG KP23 +12 +01 4 m. FT8 ES 1330 ------------------------------------------------------------------