IARU-VHF 2018 & Antenna Repairs

Before being able to do the IARU-VHF contest last weekend we had to do some serious antenna repair work. It was just 2 weeks ago when Uwe called to tell me something was broken, he could not tune the 2 m antenna anymore. So we already started Friday afternoon at the club station. The 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi is our highest antenna and to take it down means all else needs to come down, too: HF dipoles, 10 m beam, 10 GHz beacon antenna, 70 cm repeater antenna, etc. So it took Heiko, DG1BHA, almost 4 hours before we finally had the antenna on the ground and could check what was wrong (of course we had checked all else including cables upfront). Repair took all Saturday morning and getting it all up again took another 3 hours. We were finished just 1 hour before the contest so starting on Friday was the right decision. 😉 The old dipole box held up for over 5 years. The new one is much more stable so we hope it will now last even longer. 😉

Broken feeder – the outer solder connection broke probably due to all the vibration produced by birds sitting, starting & landing on the dipole arms

Our outside “repair center” 😉 We really needed two soldering irons in parallel to warm up the copper sufficiently for a solid solder connection

New dipole box with probably a little more solid solder connections 😉

Heiko up on the chimney re-mounting everything – tough job!

Concerning the contest all went exceptionally fine until we finished the night shift. We were really convinced we would make it over the 500 QSOs “barrier” easily this time. We worked a lot of great DX during the night although conditions were not really enhanced. I had worked the 3 most distant stations already several times before during the July contests I usually do single OP in from the club QTH. Normally we’re up on the hill during May and September and direction YU is not a very good one from JO73CF but much better from JO73CE although about 30 m lower (which is a lot in our region, hi). But then on Sunday things slowed down quite dramatically! 🙁 While we had worked 310 QSOs during the first 12 hours we only worked another 140 during the second half of the contest. It’s not unusual that Sunday is slower than Saturday but the difference was very pronounced this time and we really had to motivate ourselves to keep going … Nevertheless it was probably one of the best results we ever did from the lower club QTH. 😎

A nice surprise was the very high activity from Poland! While we usually work about 20-30 SP stations only (being directly at the German-Polish border!) working 62 this time was a new all-time high! We even worked more SPs than OKs which is very unusal, too.

Contest Report from DF0TEC in JO73CE at 144 MHz

Contest : IARU-VHF-Contest 2018
Date    : 2018 Sep 01 to 2018 Sep 02
Section : 02 144MHz Multi-OP
QTH     : Woltersdorf


TX      : IC-7400 + PA, 750 W
RX      : IC-7400 + MGF1302
Antenna : 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi, 20 mAGL, 70 mASL
Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995, http://www.qsl.net/oz2m

QSOs    :  450
-invalid:    0                                       Points/QSO
-valid  :  450     QSO-points (*1) :    183469              408
WWLs    :   95     WWL bonus (0)   :         0                0
DXCCs   :   23     DXCC bonus (0)  :         0                0
                   ---------------------------           ------
                   Total score     :    183469              408

ODX     : YT4B in JN94SD at 1079 km

Worked World Wide Locators:
JN36:  1   JN76:  3   JO11:  1   JO53:  6   JO73:  9   JO99:  1
JN37:  3   JN77:  2   JO20:  3   JO55:  2   JO74:  6   KN05:  1
JN38:  3   JN78:  2   JO21:  4   JO56:  1   JO76:  1   KN08:  1
JN39:  8   JN79:  7   JO30:  5   JO57:  1   JO77:  1   KN09:  6
JN47:  4   JN85:  1   JO31: 19   JO59:  1   JO80:  7   KN18:  1
JN48:  8   JN86:  4   JO32:  6   JO60: 15   JO81:  3   KO00:  1
JN49: 10   JN87:  1   JO33:  4   JO61: 18   JO82:  3   KO02:  1
JN56:  1   JN88:  7   JO40:  7   JO62: 26   JO83:  4   KO03:  1
JN57:  1   JN89: 12   JO41:  9   JO63:  4   JO84:  2   KO05:  1
JN58:  2   JN94:  1   JO42:  9   JO64:  5   JO86:  1   KO06:  1
JN59:  5   JN95:  4   JO43:  7   JO65:  6   JO88:  1   KO13:  1
JN63:  1   JN98:  3   JO44:  1   JO67:  2   JO90:  4   KO14:  2
JN67:  2   JN99:  8   JO46:  2   JO68:  1   JO91:  3   KO15:  1
JN68:  7   JO01:  3   JO50: 16   JO70: 16   JO92:  1   KO22:  1
JN69: 11   JO02:  1   JO51: 17   JO71: 10   JO93:  2   KO25:  2
JN75:  2   JO10:  2   JO52: 12   JO72:  7   JO94:  7   

Worked DXCCs:
9A :   4   G  :   4   LA :   1   OK  : 55   PA :   9   UR :   1
DL : 229   HA :   2   LX :   1   OM  : 14   S5 :   7   YL :   1
EU :   2   HB :   5   LY :   6   ON  :  5   SM :  14   YU :   4
F  :   4   I  :   2   OE :  11   OZ  :  7   SP :  62   

Top 20 QSO-points:
20180901 2303 YT4B           559  283 599  397   JN94SD    1079
20180902 0017 IQ5NN          559  290 599  441   JN63GN    1078
20180902 0125 YU7ACO         559  308 599  151   KN05RD    1037
20180902 0116 YU7W           599  305 599  205   JN95RD     972
20180902 0046 9A0V           559  297 599  299   JN95PE     963
20180902 0139 TM0W           599  309 599  367   JN36BP     929
20180901 2342 G8T            55   284 53   454   JO01KJ     928
20180901 2223 9A8D           559  271 599  152   JN95LM     919
20180901 2241 YU7C           559  279 599  153   JN95SS     910
20180901 2354 G8P            599  288 599  615   JO01QD     903
20180901 2141 G3XDY          559  253 559  166   JO02OB     886
20180901 2350 G0VHF/P        55   287 57   433   JO01PU     886
20180902 0105 9A1E           559  300 599  149   JN85OT     849
20180902 0024 S59DEM         599  291 599  430   JN75DS     825
20180902 0058 S50L           419  298 599  261   JN75ES     825
20180902 0219 HB9GF          59   312 59   294   JN37WB     817
20180901 1614 HB9SO          55   110 53   031   JN37SG     811
20180902 0634 SK0EN          59   346 56   011   JO99JX     806
20180902 0745 HB9QT          59   364 59   148   JN47BC     803
20180901 1419 HB9RF          59   016 59   011   JN47FB     795
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