July VHF contest 2015

Not been much active lately … QRL, QRL, QRL. So it was good to get out of all the business stuff for a few hours this weekend and free up my mind. 😎 Condx were rather average, didn’t recognize any of the big tropo signals from the UK reported in the western part of Germany. The two G’s worked can be worked anytime from here.

We had some 1,5 hours of Aurora (SK4MPI/B up to 59A!) during the night but I did not do a single AU QSO – really frustrating! This time I could have gained some advantage from being in our fringe area but it wasn’t meant to be. 🙁 Only heard LAØBY with a nice auroral signal but I had already worked Stefan on tropo before. No other Scandinavians on, what a pity … 🙁

What certainly cost me a number of QSOs and points was that I also overslept 2 hours on Sunday morning. Seems instead of hitting the snooze button to grab some additional 5 minutes of sleep I accidently hit the off button … oh well. So was off the air for some 5 hours in total … might have all just been reasoned by the extreme heat, of course … 😉

Contest Report from DH8BQA in JO73CE at 144 MHz

Date    : 2015 Jul 04 to 2015 Jul 05
Section : 01 144MHz Single OP
QTH     : Woltersdorf

TX      : IC-7400 + PA, 750 W
RX      : IC-7400 + MGF1302
Antenna : 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi, 20 mAGL, 70 mASL
Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995, http://www.qsl.net/oz2m

QSOs    :  456
-invalid:    1                                        points/QSO
-valid  :  455     QSO-points (*1)    :    180496            397
WWLs    :   82     WWL bonus (0)      :         0              0
DXCCs   :   22     DXCC bonus (0)     :         0              0
                   ------------------------------         ------
                   Total score        :    180496            397

ODX     : YT4B in JN94SD at 1079 km

Worked World Wide Locators:
JN37:   3  JN76:   3  JO01:   1  JO43:   8  JO62:  30  JO84:   2
JN38:   3  JN77:   1  JO02:   1  JO44:   5  JO64:   3  JO90:   7
JN39:   2  JN78:   5  JO10:   1  JO45:   1  JO65:   2  JO91:   1
JN47:   4  JN79:  19  JO11:   1  JO46:   2  JO68:   1  JO92:   2
JN48:   6  JN85:   4  JO20:   2  JO50:  19  JO70:  26  JO94:   3
JN49:   3  JN86:   5  JO21:   8  JO51:  13  JO71:   9  KN09:   2
JN57:   1  JN87:   2  JO30:   6  JO52:  10  JO72:   9  KO02:   1
JN58:   3  JN88:   8  JO31:  10  JO53:   5  JO73:   9  KO04:   3
JN59:   5  JN89:  12  JO32:   6  JO54:   3  JO74:   1  KO06:   1
JN63:   1  JN94:   1  JO33:   4  JO55:   1  JO80:  14  KO10:   1
JN67:   1  JN96:   1  JO34:   1  JO57:   1  JO81:   4  KO13:   2
JN68:   4  JN97:   5  JO40:   8  JO59:   1  JO82:   1  KO14:   2
JN69:   7  JN98:   5  JO41:   7  JO60:  14  JO83:   2  KO15:   6
JN75:   1  JN99:  16  JO42:  13  JO61:  28  

Worked DXCCs:
9A  :   5  G   :   2  LA  :   1  OM  :  16  S5  :   7  UA2 :   4
DL  : 222  HA  :   7  LY  :   8  ON  :   4  SM  :   3  YL  :   1
EU  :   2  HB  :   6  OE  :  10  OZ  :   6  SP  :  40  YU  :   1
F   :   4  I   :   1  OK  :  91  PA  :  14   

Top 20 QSO-points:
20150705 0821 YT4B        529  339   599  347     JN94SD    1079
20150705 0839 I5PVA/6     59   340   59   566     JN63GN    1078
20150704 2316 G5LK/P      55   256   56   401     JO01QD     903
20150704 2123 9A1N        559  219   599  177     JN85LI     894
20150705 1146 9A2YF       519  417   599  382     JN85OO     871
20150704 2007 G4SWX       519  192   519  011     JO02RF     865
20150704 2052 9A1E        529  209   599  257     JN85QT     852
20150705 0034 9A9D        559  273   599  100     JN85OV     840
20150704 1936 HG3X        59   185   59   259     JN96EE     834
20150704 2349 S59DEM      55   260   59   426     JN75DS     825
20150705 0808 HB9CLN      59   336   59   088     JN37XA     818
20150704 2230 HB9GF       59   247   59   229     JN37WB     817
20150705 0903 ON4WY       52   350   59   401     JO11LC     801
20150704 1654 HB9RF       59   123   59   080     JN47FB     795
20150704 1613 9A2AE       53   100   59   118     JN86HF     793
20150704 1949 LA0BY       55   189   57   024     JO59IX     785
20150705 1040 HB9PZQ      59   384   59   159     JN47DF     785
20150704 2023 S53V        559  200   599  092     JN76UH     773
20150705 1303 F8KWW/P     52   440   59   296     JN37NV     772
20150704 1516 ON4KHG      51   070   52   016     JO10XO     759
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