Perseids ’16

Not very active recently, QRL and a new girl friend eating up all of my sparse time. 😎 Nevertheless found a few hours time inbetween to do some Meteor Scatter QSOs during this year’s Perseids meteor shower and worked a few new squares (*), too.

Very surprised to catch GM6VXB/P on random who was on a 6 day work visit to the Nexen owned Buzzard oil and gas platform in the middle of the North Sea (JO07!) doing routine maintenance on the satellite, LOS and PABX systems onboard. Thanks a lot, Martin! 🙂

07/08/16  20:08  RV3IG        LO17FJ *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1834
07/08/16  20:31  IC8SQS       JN6ØXR *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1385
09/08/16  20:40  EI9E         IO44WD *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1598
09/08/16  21:35  LZØC         KN22XS     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1447
09/08/16  21:40  EI9E         IO44WD     6 m.   JT6M    MS    1598
10/08/16  19:35  RA3RF        LOØ3WK *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1826
10/08/16  20:00  9A/OK2ZAW    JN83FO *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1078
12/08/16  17:33  RW3PX        KO83WR *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1560
12/08/16  18:42  EW7T         KO53EV *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    1068
12/08/16  18:56  UT7EL        KN77EN     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1554
12/08/16  19:23  RN6MA        LNØ6UQ *   2 m.   FSK441  MS    2080
13/08/16  06:32  SF3NR        JP92FW     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1112
13/08/16  06:45  LA8KV        JP52QQ     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1069
13/08/16  06:54  GM6VXB/P     JOØ7KU *   2 m.   FSK441  MS     984
13/08/16  07:42  UR4EWZ       KN87CX     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1649
13/08/16  07:56  UXØFF        KN45KJ     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1367
13/08/16  09:00  RO3X         KO73FU     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1336
13/08/16  09:41  EA2AGZ       IN91DV     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1725
13/08/16  09:51  G4KVT        IO81RK     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1152
13/08/16  10:06  UY9VY        KN68DM     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1366
13/08/16  10:26  UT4UYF       KO5ØGK     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1160
13/08/16  10:31  RL3QDD       KO91OQ     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1694
13/08/16  10:56  USØGB        KN67UA     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1543
13/08/16  11:38  9A/OK1MU     JN73TS     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1052
13/08/16  12:01  R5AO         KO86VA     2 m.   FSK441  MS    1543
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Official DARC July Contest results … surprise surprise! :-)

Contest results are out! Despite not being that satisfied my result was obviously good enough for a 1st place Single OP finish. 😎

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DARC July VHF Contest ’16

Condx were average at best, lots of QSB. Especially the DX QSOs usually took a while but of course you have a bit more time for these during the night.

Activity was quite low, especially in Germany – seems everybody watched Football! But also worked around 20% less Czech stations than normal during a July contest. Fell asleep Sunday morning around 6:30 local time as activity had dropped a lot and there were simply no new stations to work anymore and nobody answered my CQs. Thus decided to take a one hour nap. Unfortunately I didn’t hear the alarm clock so instead of 1 I lost 3 hours costing probably some 30-40 QSOs. Damn! Will have to wait and see what influence it will have on final placement.

On the other hand I had the highest kilometer average ever! Taking out the 2 local QSOs (5 + 15 km) the average was even higher at almost 424 km/QSO! Amazing, probably due to all the mid-range DLs missing and some good DX during the night …

Contest Report from DH8BQA in JO73CE at 144 MHz

Contest : DARC July Contest '16
Date    : 2016 Jul 02/03
Section : 01 144MHz Single OP
QTH     : Woltersdorf

TX      : IC-7400 + PA, 750 W
RX      : IC-7400 + MGF1302
Antenna : 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi, 20 mAGL, 70 mASL
Log     : TACLog by OZ2M, 1,995,

QSOs    :  416
-invalid:    0                                        points/QSO
-valid  :  416     QSO-points (*1)    :    175204            421
WWLs    :   83     WWL bonus (0)      :         0              0
DXCCs   :   21     DXCC bonus (0)     :         0              0
                   ------------------------------         ------
                   Total score        :    175204            421

ODX     : YT4B in JN94SD at 1079 km

Worked World Wide Locators:
JN37:   2  JN77:   2  JO01:   1  JO46:   2  JO64:   4  JO94:   3
JN38:   2  JN78:   2  JO10:   1  JO50:  14  JO65:   4  JP70:   1
JN39:   7  JN79:  15  JO20:   1  JO51:  18  JO68:   1  KN08:   1
JN47:   5  JN85:   1  JO21:   3  JO52:  11  JO70:  26  KN09:   2
JN48:   5  JN86:   4  JO30:   7  JO53:   4  JO71:   7  KN18:   3
JN49:   3  JN87:   3  JO31:  16  JO54:   2  JO72:   5  KN29:   1
JN57:   2  JN88:  10  JO32:   2  JO55:   1  JO73:   7  KO04:   1
JN58:   4  JN89:  11  JO33:   2  JO56:   1  JO79:   1  KO05:   1
JN59:   4  JN94:   1  JO40:   8  JO57:   2  JO80:  10  KO10:   2
JN63:   1  JN95:   5  JO41:   5  JO59:   1  JO81:   2  KO14:   2
JN68:   6  JN96:   2  JO42:   6  JO60:  20  JO83:   2  KO15:   5
JN69:   7  JN97:   4  JO43:   7  JO61:  22  JO84:   1  KO24:   1
JN75:   2  JN98:   3  JO44:   3  JO62:  18  JO90:   5  KO25:   2
JN76:   5  JN99:  13  JO45:   1  JO63:   2  JO91:   4  

Worked DXCCs:
9A  :   7  HA  :   9  LY  :  11  ON  :   2  S5  :   7  UA2 :   2
DL  : 208  HB  :   4  OE  :   8  OZ  :  10  SM  :   6  UR  :   4
F   :   3  I   :   1  OK  :  79  PA  :   5  SP  :  29  YU  :   2
G   :   1  LA  :   1  OM  :  17  

Top 20 QSO-points:
20160703 0247 YT4B       599  286   599  286     JN94SD     1079
20160703 0242 IQ5NN      599  285   599  417     JN63GN     1078
20160703 0052 YU7W       599  274   599  309     JN95RD      972
20160703 0134 9A0V       559  281   599  286     JN95PE      963
20160703 0120 9A4V       599  278   599  325     JN95KI      935
20160703 0126 9A8D       559  280   599  318     JN95LM      919
20160703 0124 9A7D       599  279   599  167     JN95CI      918
20160703 0231 G5LK/P     599  284   599  306     JO01QD      903
20160703 0109 9A1N       599  277   599  271     JN85LI      894
20160703 0000 HG3X       599  263   599  243     JN96EE      834
20160702 1803 SK4AO      519  154   329  001     JP70TO      830
20160702 1825 S59DEM     55   160   55   214     JN75DS      825
20160703 1204 9A2EY      559  383   599  136     JN75XV      821
20160702 1949 HB9GF      599  194   599  161     JN37WB      817
20160702 2043 UY4W       599  216   599  069     KN29EO      810
20160703 0926 HB9LU      59   344   59   141     JN47FB      795
20160703 0729 9A2L       59   303   59   077     JN86HF      793
20160703 0746 LA0BY      55   311   55   011     JO59IX      785
20160702 1954 S53V       599  198   599  125     JN76UH      773
20160702 2055 UZ3I       599  217   599  174     KN18JT      773
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Impressions of HAMRADIO Friedrichshafen 2016

Great weekend in Friedrichshafen again! Always nice to meet so many people, chat around and just having fun refreshing or creating new friendships! Here are a few impressions …

Georg, DL4SVA, handing over the 2nd place EU-D Honor Roll Trophy 2015 to Olli, DH8BQA

Georg, DL4SVA, congratulating & handing over the 2nd place EUD Honor Roll Trophy 2015 to Olli, DH8BQA

Olli, DH8BQA, having just purchased the "Contact Sport" WRTC 2014 book by auction, handed over by Sandy, DL1QQ

Olli, DH8BQA, having just purchased the “Contact Sport” WRTC 2014 book by auction, handed over by Sandy, DL1QQ

Uwe, DL3BQA, Paul, DL5CW, & Mel, DL6CT, at BCC dinner

Fellows Uwe, DL3BQA, Paul, DL5CW, & Mel, DL6CT, at the BCC dinner Saturday night

Fritz, DL7ON + XYL, Peter, DL7YS, & Olli, DH8BQA

Angela, XYL DL7ON, Fritz, DL7ON, Peter, DL7YS, & Olli, DH8BQA

Harry, DK2GZ, & Olli, DH8BQA

Harry, DK2GZ, & Olli, DH8BQA

VHF contesters Nick, HB9EFK, & Olli, DH8BQA, swapping notes

Nick, HB9EFK, & Olli, DH8BQA

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A bit 6 m DX at least

There was a great opening to the Middle East on 6 m this morning. Unfortunately not much activity …

07:35  9K2NO         LL39XG   599   559    6 m.   CW          3813
07:41  A45XR         LL93DO   599   599    6 m.   CW          4931

Both were reaching real 599 signal levels. It’s quite rare that JO73 gets these kinds of signal strength’! Neither new squares nor DXCCs but very enjoyable nevertheless.

9K2NO via double-hop ES on 50 MHz:

A45XR via triple-hop ES on 50 MHz:

Six was hot all day. Great ES propagation across all Europe with the IARU Region 1 50/70 MHz Contest taking place and thus lots of activity. Handing out a few points every now and then I managed to do some 130 QSOs without much effort. Imagine what could have been possible taking part seriously. 😉

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Great Sporadic-E on 144 MHz again

es-loganalyzerLucky me! Mother nature was calling early this morning and before going back to bed I just checked the MUF on DXMAPS on the smartphone. Glad I did! There was already some ES going on 2 m. Quickly switched on the remote station but it took another 15 minutes until the band opened in JO73. Unfortunately I had high SWR on the remote antenna. 🙁 So could only run 10 watts first and later about 100 watts when things warmed up. Seems a bigger problem in the connection between the 7/8″ coax going up the mast and the last few meters of Aircom+ cable. Heiko, DG1BHA, already tried fixing it twice during the last few weeks but the error always returns sooner or later. Time to fix it permanently! So hope to be able to squeeze in some time during the next visit in about 2 weeks when driving the 700 km home again …  Nevertheless managed some nice QSOs and even worked two new squares … it’s been a while since doing so via Sporadic-E. 😎

Played around a bit with DL4MFM’s Log Analyzer, see screenshot. The following great QSOs were made in two sequential openings, the first one lasting about half an hour to LZ and the second one for another 45 minutes to SV about an hour later:

06:43  LZ1ZX         KN32IO   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1496
06:50  LZ1KG         KN31CS   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1552
06:51  LZ1VPV        KN22UL   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1464
06:53  LZ1YG         KN22QO   599   599    2 m.   CW    ES    1437
07:00  LZ5SZ         KN32RL   55    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1542
07:18  LZ2QA         KN43EK   55    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1502
08:05  SV7GBR        KN2ØIX   55    55     2 m.   SSB   ES    1569
08:07  SV9CVY        KM25KA   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    2186
08:17  SV2JL         KN1ØLO   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1546
08:20  SV1ELI        KM17XX   55    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1849
08:21  SV1ONV        KM27AX   55    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1852
08:25  SV9IOQ        KM25AL   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    2113
08:33  SV2OXS        KN1ØFF   59    57     2 m.   SSB   ES    1569
08:35  Z32KF         KNØ1SI   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1425
08:39  SV9KNK        KM25FI   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    2139
08:44  SV2DCD        KNØØPL   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1510

Also made a few audio recordings again. Hope you enjoy listening to them! 🙂

LZ1ZX (KN32IO) 1.496 km via ES on 144 MHz:

LZ1KG (KN31CS) 1.552 km via ES on 144 MHz:

SV7GBR (KN20IX) 1.569 km via ES on 144 MHz:

SV9CVY (KM25KA) 2.186 km via ES on 144 MHz:

SV1ONV (KM27AX) 1.852 km via ES on 144 MHz:

Z32KF (KN01SI) 1.425 km via ES on 144 MHz:

SV9KNK (KM25FI) 2.139 km via ES on 144 MHz:

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CW-Fieldday & WRTC antenna tests

Spent the weekend up in JO73 again. Met with Paul, DL5CW, Falk, DK7YY and locals Heiko, DG1BHA, and Uwe, DL3BQA. Wanted to do some antenna setup testing for WRTC 2018 which Paul is the Antenna Director for.


Paul, DL5CW, mounting the Spiderbeam

Lots of stuff to install and still lots of open points to improve for future installations. Weather was fine all weekend long but doing all the antenna work in temperatures around 30°C was less pleasant. Although we were quite exhausted we still spent some time activating DKØWRTC/P in the DARC CW-Fieldday. Stopped early after reaching QSO number 1000 (yes, some 32 dupes included) as we still had to dismantle everything. Also sent in the log just as a fixed station. We did have generators to supply the radio with power on site but really didn’t want to miss all the comfort of a fridge, coffe machine, a.s.o. after all the hard work thus took electricity supply from a hundred meters away instead. That also saved us from needing to refill the generator every few hours … 😉

Contest         : IARU Field-Day R1 (DARC)
Callsign        : DK0WRTC/P
Mode            : CW
Category        : FIXED
Locator         : JO73CF
Operating time  : 20h28

   160   106   4  19     400  3.77
    80   208   6  34     680  3.27
    40   341  13  35     982  2.88
    20   242   9  34     686  2.83
    15    65   0  19     199  3.06
    10     6   0   5      18  3.00
TOTAL   968  32 146    2965  3.06
       TOTAL SCORE : 432 890

Operators       : DH8BQA DK7YY DL5CW
Soapbox         : Elecraft K3 + Spiderbeam + Dipoles

Powered by Win-Test 4.20.0

Nice to have some visitors during the weekend again. DL7VOA & DL7VOB came for a visit from Berlin and lend a helping hand (thanks guys!) as well as locals DGØFW + XYL, DL3BUA, DL3BVA + YL DL3BYA and DM7MRE. Enjoyed some delicious cake and coffee … 😉

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CQ WPX CW and some Magic Band frustration

Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the QTH this weekend so only spent some limited time in the CQ WPX CW remotely. Great Sporadic-E conditions all weekend long so kept going on 10 m single band and managed a whopping 850 QSOs. 🙂 Of course there was not much DX in it, a few South Americans, some nice (but few) Caribbean DX and a bit of (the closer) Asia. A VK5 called in on Saturday, another VK7 on Sunday, providing an ODX of about 16.000 km. Also great to find a lonely XRØYS by search&pouncing Saturday evening when the band was almost closed. 😎

A detailed analysis is available here. Should be good enough for a TOP 6 finish worldwide. Only after the contest I recognized that I even broke the current German record, who would have thought that? But the margin is quite small so will have to wait and see how much the log check will take away and if it will still be a new record by then (I think not).

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: DH8BQA

Class: SO(A)SB10 HP
QTH: JO73ce
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band  QSOs
  160:  (2)
   80:  (6)
   40:  (6)
   20:  (4)
   15:  (5)
   10:  862
Total:  848  Prefixes = 499  Total Score = 524,948

Club: Bavarian Contest Club

Elecraft K3 / KPA500, 600 W + 6 ele OWA Yagi

I stopped every now and then during the contest to monitor 2 m for ES openings. There were indeed some openings but I was always too close to the ES clouds so no QSOs on 2 m this time (but great short skip on 10 m … worked OK’s and DL’s not further away than 250-300 km with s9+ signals!).

Saturday afternoon provided UN7AM/LN53 for a new square on 6 m while doing a short propagation check. 😎 Sunday morning saw a great opening deep into Asia on 50 MHz. Could hear BDØAAI (z23!) at 529, BA4SI at 539 and BVØWPX at up to 559 but couldn’t raise them, thus missed 2 new DXCCs and 3 new squares which was quite frustrating. 🙁

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What a great day on VHF today …

Luckily Corpus Christi is a local holiday overhere so I had the day off. 😎 Waking up at 5:30z I was not sure if I should get up or turn around for some more sleep. Seems it was a good decision to get up … First there was a very early ES opening on 144 MHz. Although it lasted only about 2 minutes in JO73 it was good enough for a nice QSO. 😉 Later this morning we had some great double-hop Sporadic-E on 50 MHz to the east allowing me to work MN52 & MN62 for two new squares, now 640 in total on 6 m. 🙂

06:52  RA6C          KN94GT   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1990
09:45  EX8M          MN62WT   599   599    6 m.   CW          4446
10:04  UN6T          MN52QV   599   599    6 m.   CW          4276
10:07  EX9T          MN82SD   599   599    6 m.   CW          4731
10:15  UK8OM         MN51UA   599   599    6 m.   CW          4423
10:16  EA8DBM        IL18OH   59    59     6 m.   SSB         3747

After that the MUF went down quickly but still 6 m was open all day long. I didn’t work anything else, was doing some QRL things meanwhile. Late afternoon 4 m started filling up with strong OIRT signals so I kept the beam dir East and threw an occasional CQ call on 2 m every now and then. At 16:33z Artur, UR3EE, answered my CQ starting another 1 hour ES opening on 144 MHz. 😎

16:33  UR3EE         KN88DC   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1648
16:46  UR3VKE        KN69OA   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1400
16:47  UR5VFJ        KN69OA   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1400
16:56  UA6LJV        KN97LE   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1872
16:56  RK6MF         KN97RC   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1909
16:58  UR5EDN        KN78SH   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1588
17:03  UZ2HZ         KN69RA   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1416
17:12  UC7RAA        KN64SO   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1696
18:27  FM5WD         FK94MP   559   599    6 m.   CW          7721

Signals were strong but never lasting very long, so pretty much all in & out after a few minutes. Nevertheless great fun! Then working the first Caribbean opening this year on 6 m via triple-hop ES later on was a nice end to a great DX day on VHF. 😎

UR3EE/KN88 booming in via Sporadic-E on 2 m (cut out white noise in-between):

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Caught the first 2 m ES opening this year …

esFinally caught the first 2 m ES this year! 🙂 6 m had been hot all afternoon. Later also 4 m opened up nicely. It was kind of masochistic listening to all the activity on 70 MHz and not being able to join the fun. 🙁 But it was a good indicator on how conditions would evolve. Around 16z OIRT started heavily on 4 m direction east so I kept an eye into that direction. Also 6 m was full of TV birdies which suddenly stopped while OIRT was still strong – a clear sign of rapidly rising MUF as with higher MUF skip zone shortens dramatically on 6 m meaning being in a distance to the ES cloud you just won’t receive the low VHF QRM anymore, you would need to move closer to it. But hey, then you would be too close for 2 m over the same cloud. 😉

144 MHz opened at 16:28z but it only lasted for about 1.5 minutes, just enough to complete a CW QSO with US6IEW. The band was more consistent further west, I was not in a perfect position in JO73 geometry-wise. Five minutes later US6IEW popped out of the noise again answering my CQ call, this time in SSB. Band closed again after 2 minutes or so. It then took another 10 minutes to open again, this time for about 8 minutes.

16:29  US6IEW        KN98FA   599   599    2 m.   CW    ES    1794
16:35  US6IEW        KN98FA   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1794
16:48  UY1HY         KO6ØMA   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1343
16:50  US4IEK        KN87UX   599   599    2 m.   CW    ES    1747
16:54  UX5UL         KO5ØFL   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1153
16:55  US4IEK        KN87UX   59    59     2 m.   SSB   ES    1747

UY1HY and UX5UL were quite short distances on the same cloud that was used by West-DL and PA to work further into Russia and East Ukraine. Seems there were 2 active spots or one really big cloud with different active zones.  Here are a few audio recordings again:

US6IEW 144 MHz Sporadic-E:

UY1HY 144 MHz Sporadic-E:

UX5UL 144 MHz Sporadic-E:

US4IEK 144 MHz Sporadic-E:

The MUF dropped quite rapidly afterwards but 6 m stayed open until late into the night. Sporadic-E even linked into a good Caribbean opening around 11 pm local time … albeit not on 6 but on 10 m. 😉

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Another world win: SARTG-NY 2016

It felt like ages until the SARTG contest committee finally released the results of SARTG New Year RTTY Contest 2016 now. I have been checking their website every now and then for the last 4 month’. 😉 Took part in that one for the first time ever so was even more astonished to having won it world-wide – wow! It didn’t even feel like a big deal operating back then. 😎 And it was a really pleasant experience and the duration of only 3 hours made for some leisurely contest activity on New Year’s day.

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P4ØFA took SOHP15 world win in CQ WPX RTTY 2016

It’s official now: Despite being quite antenna challenged I won world #1 as P4ØFA during our stay on Aruba earlier this year operating as SOHP15 during CQ WPX RTTY contest. 😎


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EA6/PA2CHR for square #530 on 2 m

Seasoned VHF Dxpeditioner Chris, PA2CHR, was on tour again, this time activating the rare squares on Menorca Island, i.e. JN10, JN20 & JM29. Unfortunately I could not be QRV when he was in JN10 & JN20 but had a chance to catch him this morning on Meteor Scatter from JM29 for square #530 on 2 m. Thanks Chris! 😎

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WIA Awards

Applied for and got a few nice awards issued by WIA (Wireless Institue of Australia). They have a great online system to apply for the awards using ADIF uploads and getting the contacts confirmed through LotW and/or eQSLs. The awards are issued in PDF format nowadays so you have to print them yourself.

I was most interested in the WA-VK-CA-HF as it is really beautiful and demanding to work. I had to wait and catch the VKØEK expedition a few weeks ago and get them confirmed on LotW to finally be able to apply for it! 😉


Another one I really like is the Grid Square Award – looks great on the wall, too!


They also offer a number of different DXCC awards for Single Band, Single Mode, 3-Band, 5-Band and 9-Band with mode combinations (see a few examples below) as well as a VHF Century Club Award, too …

   dxcccw   dxccphone

   dxccdigital   dxccopen

 dxcc10cw200   3bdxcc600

   5bdxcc900   vhfcc2cw

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Aurora once more

After getting back from the hilltop and having unloaded all the contest equipment we enjoyed a nice medium strength Aurora opening this evening:

16:02  YL2FZ         KO37QI   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR    952
16:03  OH4LA         KP2ØLG   57A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1022
16:06  RM1A          KO59BU   55A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1220
16:07  SM6V          JO57XK   55A   55A    2 m.   CW    AUR    493
16:16  RX1AS         KO59XW   57A   58A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1314
16:21  UA1ASA        KO48GH   57A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1059
16:42  LA6OJ         JO38HH   57A   57A    2 m.   CW    AUR    740
16:46  RU1AA         KP4ØXD   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1229
16:47  LAØBY         JO59FW   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR    784
16:58  RK1AS         KP4ØUE   53A   53A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1220
17:02  SM4HFI        JP7ØTO   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR    829
17:11  OH3LV         KP2ØUX   41A   55A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1107
17:12  SM6LPF        JO78CK   55A   55A    2 m.   CW    AUR    584
17:17  SF4J          JO79NC   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR    660
17:20  G4KUX         IO94BP   55A   55A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1063
17:21  YL2PJ         KO36QM   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR    919
17:32  OH2KW         KP2ØIJ   59A   59A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1023
17:35  G4IDR         IO93BP   54A   53A    2 m.   CW    AUR   1064
18:20  SM7GVF        JO77GA   57A   56A    2 m.   CW    AUR    427

Will there be any more good openings now heading down into sunspot minimum?

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DFØFA VHF May Contest ’16

Out again on the local hilltop in JO73CF. Ran short of operators, only DGØZB, DG1BHA, DH8BQA, DL3BQA & DL5CW active this time while DK7YY & DL9USA were prevented. Activity was quite bad, not happy with the result. Probably due to the fantastic weather, can imagine a lot of guys were bound in other activities. We got some nice sunburns! 😎


Eager to learn how the competition finished. There was a nice Aurora opening Sunday evening (see above). Too late, could have used the points during the contest! 😉

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No 70 MHz permit in Germany this year :-(

The bad news is official now: For some (political) reasons there won’t be a temporary permit to use the 4 m band during this year’s Sporadic-E season in DL. What a shame. 🙁

Let’s hope we will get a few good 2 m ES openings instead, first one was today, although more southerly, i.e. between France and Bulgaria.

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TY – Benin #138 on 6 m

TY2AC_end_front_finalHad the first 6 m ES opening of the season today. The band opened nicely from here into Southern Europe, i.e. 9H & IT9 around 15:30z with S9+ signals. Saw TY2AC spotting southern Europe stations himself on the cluster. He finally settled to call CQ but heard only a few MS reflections once in a while. Stayed tuned to his frequency while doing other things. Around 16z he finally came out of the noise but never strong enough to QSO, just got ??? in return to my calls. It took another quarter of an hour until he rised up to a nice 559 signal, albeit with QSB. Took just one call to work him then. Propagation seemed quite localized, he didn’t get much callers, it was mostly northwestern Poland and northeastern Germany working him with JO61 stations being the most southern (at least as long as I monitored).

TY2AC on 6 m:

Even 4 m opened up later, quite early in the season! 9H6A (guest op’d by PB8DX) was very strong on SSB for more than half an hour. 9H1PI CQing on CW was much weaker.

9H6A on 4 m:

It’s a pity 4 m is still not allowed again in Germany yet. Hope RegTP will offer a temporary permit for this summer again anytime soon!

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VK0h/Heard Island #309 & FR.j/Juan de Nova #310

Besides WPX-SSB almost no radio activity overhere since returning from Aruba. Lots of QRL and not really up for the hobby. So had to force myself to switch on the radio a few times at least not to miss the VKØEK and FT4JA expeditions for two ATNOs. Condx are rather poor but the guys have good ears. Pileups seem to be down a lot now compared to the first few days. Even heard them CQing a few times without any takers today …

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No activity at all during the last 4 weeks. Just too much QRL and not really up for the hobby. But wanted to do a few QSOs during WPX-SSB at least. As you might know we’re sharing our station. This time Uwe, DL3BQA, had the choice of band and started as DMØY in the SOSB15 category. 10 m was a dead loss, condx just sucked. 20 m is really not my cup of tea for going single band in an SSB contest and for the lower bands it’s still just simple wires. Thus decided not to go single band but just do a few QSOs every now and then as SOAB(A) on the remaining bands. Goal was to put up 1 million points for the BCC club score. Well, that was already reached before going to bed Saturday evening so next goal then was 1111 and then 1234 QSOs for a nice number. 😉 But couldn’t stop it as I had a nice run going into North America late Sunday afternoon so set yet another new goal. 😉 That finally was 2 million points plus some 5% on top for the usual logging errors. And here we go, suddenly some 20 hours of BIC time gathered … 😉

Recorded all the QSOs again and uploaded them to if you want to take a listen. Wished more people would use it. Sharing contest recordings has never been so easy! 😎

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: DH8BQA

Class: SO(A)AB HP
QTH: JO73ce
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  QSOs
  160:   62
   80:  330
   40:  421
   20:  535
   15:    2
   10:   11
Total: 1361  Prefixes = 706  Total Score = 2,105,292

Club: Bavarian Contest Club

Elecraft K3, PA + beams & wires
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