Returning from QRL today 6 m was closed. I left the RX on 50.313 MHz FT8 in monitoring mode while doing different things around the shack. Every now and then some signals from EI popped up and vanished again. Then suddenly the band opened into the Caribbean – 4 hop ES! Signals were in & out but eventually Peter, PJ4NX, popped up for a few minutes and I had the chance to grab him for a new one on 6 m. 😎 That contact also brought back nice memories of our trip to Bonaire last November where we met Peter a few times. 🙂 Besides Bonaire I could also work WP4G from Puerto Rico …
It was also good to catch the ESØUG guys on their way back home staying in KO17 for one night before taking the ferry back to Germany. Distance was now only 730 km so it took quite a while to work them on Meteor Scatter on both 6 m (YL/DL3BQA) & 4 m (YL/DGØLFF), reflections were sparse only, too. But it was a new square on 4 m so well worth the effort. This time it also worked on 2 m (YL/DH5FS) although the contact took almost half an hour on FT8 and I believe it was rather MS enhanced than troposcatter. But in the end it doesn’t matter as long as the QSO is in the log. 😉