Arrived at the station here in JO73 this afternoon to prepare for the contest this weekend. Tropo condx are slightly enhanced again and predictions look good for the weekend, there might be a few surprises (hopefully). 😉 Worked these DX QSOs:
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 23:10 G4LPP JOØ2SS -18 -14 2 m. FT8 TR 848 23:19 G4KUX IO94BP -11 -16 2 m. FT8 TR 1063 11:29 LA1KUA JP5ØTW -20 -14 2 m. FT8 TR 875 11:32 SM4CHK JO69TH +07 +14 2 m. FT8 TR 682 11:33 LA4YGA JO48BE -11 -12 2 m. FT8 TR 673 11:37 SM4GGC JO69RK +00 +03 2 m. FT8 TR 696 12:38 LA5FGA JO58TW -17 +09 2 m. FT8 TR 659 ------------------------------------------------------------------
A number of additional QSOs could be logged with OZ, SM6, SM7 but the two SM4’s mentioned above were really pounding in and worked much further south into Eastern Germany at least. Think they had a blast. 😉