After all these great Sporadic-E openings we had a small Tropo lift to the UK this morning. Predictions showed some enhancements across the North Sea that probably helped although most of the path from JO73 to the UK is over land. Besides a number of Dutch and Belgian stations these UK fellows were worked:
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 07:20 G4NBS JOØ2AF -03 -04 2 m. FT8 TR 958 07:24 GØXDI IO91RQ -05 -11 2 m. FT8 TR 1011 07:52 G4PLZ JOØ2PT -06 -05 2 m. FT8 TR 864 08:16 GØPQO IO92UA -15 -16 2 m. FT8 TR 986 09:48 G4SWX JOØ2RF +13 +14 2 m. FT8 TR 864 11:48 M1BTR JOØ3BI -17 -07 2 m. FT8 TR 935 ------------------------------------------------------------------