Sporadic-E is in da house …

Well, sort of. 4 m was open almost all day long and 2 m saw a nice opening in the afternoon, too … just not here. I was at the very edge and only every now and then signals on 4 m came up enough to do a few QSOs. It was kind of frustrating with all activity concentrating on FT8 only. Still don’t get it – if signals are beyond -04 dB the opening is good enough for CW & SSB contacts!

This is what it sounds like if there are two S9+ FT8 signals:

Luckily the band opened a little stronger later on with a few stations getting active in the “analogue” modes, too, which was way more fun. And the bandscope helped again to spot openings as well as stations across the band. 😎

SV2JAO/B pounding in on 70.087 MHz

EA1FDI popping up on 70.180 MHz SSB

It even opened via double hop ES to the Canaries as well as to West Sahara for a few minutes several times! Fun fact: I ran across EA1TX on 70.200 trying to work him when suddenly EA8TX answered my call! Would you believe this coincidence? 😀 😎

EA8TX answered instead of EA1TX:

A pity that EA8YT was only heard but his signal was weak and the .200 a little crowded at that time. But hey, rather crowded than empty. 😉

I did work squares IN93, IN60 and IL38 for new ones today, now at #185. 😎

13:15 EA1CRK         IN73DM   +07   -24    4 m.   FT8   ES    1812
13:46 SV1QT          KM17UW   +13   +02    4 m.   FT8   ES    1846
14:44 EA1CRK         IN73DM   +10   -04    4 m.   FT8   ES    1812
14:51 EA2EI          IN93JA   -03   +00    4 m.   FT8   ES    1602
14:54 EA2XR          IN83KI   -01   -13    4 m.   FT8   ES    1677
14:59 SØ1WS          IL46RD   -16   -03    4 m.   FT8   ES    3638
16:01 EA1FDI         IN53TF    55    58    4 m.   SSB   ES    1993
16:47 EA3AWT         JN11CQ   -12   -08    4 m.   FT8   ES    1560
17:13 EA1UR          IN53TF   +10   -05    4 m.   FT8   ES    1993
17:39 EA3BMU         JNØ1OC   +10   -03    4 m.   FT8   ES    1659
17:46 EA1UU          IN83GJ   +13   -16    4 m.   FT8   ES    1692
17:51 EA5EF          IM99SM   579   559    4 m.   CW    ES    1883
17:56 CT7ASX         IN6ØFD    55    55    4 m.   SSB   ES    2187
17:57 EA8TX          IL18QI    55    55    4 m.   SSB   ES    3734
18:04 CT1QP          IM59KJ    57    55    4 m.   SSB   ES    2339
18:17 EA3EW          JNØ1OG   -13   +03    4 m.   FT8   ES    1643
18:23 EA8YT          IL18SL    51   HRD    4 m.   SSB   ES    3714
18:30 EA4LU          IM68TV    57    59    4 m.   SSB   ES    2231
18:36 EA8JF          IL38FX   -08   -16    4 m.   FT8   ES    3512
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