Finally a good opening this evening. It started with a lonely EI3KD being 59+20 while calling CQ on 144.300 MHz. Worked him with just 8 W as the PA was still off. 🙂 No other ones around. After he faded I put out a few CQs myself which were answered by EI4DQ, thanks Tom! Band closed afterwards to open up again 15 minutes later. Could work another 3 QSOs before sigs faded again. Another 10 minutes later it opened once more when EI9JS answered my CQ calls. All in all very patchy but with strong signals. While I was able to work into IO51 only at the beginning IO53 worked into other parts of Germany. Later on all shifted and EI7IX (new square #489) was pounding in very loud. Was a pleasure to listen to him for a while. As there is not too much activity in Ireland you can afford to take the time for such things. 😉 Did hear EI6GF in IO62 several times in CW but sorrily he could not hear me
, would have been another new square, too.
Log excerpt:
QSO by DH8BQA on 2 m. Type of propagation: ES Mode: All mode From 02/07/2014 to 02/07/2014 Distance over: 0 Km. Page: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ DATE TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX MODE REMARKS QRB ------------------------------------------------------------ 02/07/2014 18:40 EI3KD IO51VW 59 59 SSB 1515 02/07/2014 18:47 EI4DQ IO51WU 59 59 SSB 1512 02/07/2014 19:03 EI7IX IO53FT 59 59 SSB 1565 02/07/2014 19:09 EI3GYB IO53OT 59 59 SSB 1516 02/07/2014 19:10 GI6ATZ IO74AJ 59 59 SSB 1326 02/07/2014 19:22 EI9JS IO53QX 59 59 SSB 1503 ------------------------------------------------------------ Number of QSO listed: 6
Made a few audio recordings again. Whenever you hear silence it was me talking. Audio monitor was off, sorry for that.
EI3KD (CQing):
EI4DQ (in QSO with me):
EI7IX (with a string of QSOs):
EI3GYB & GI6ATZ (in QSOs with me, both on same frequency):
EI6GF (CQing, but did not hear me despite 700 W and a 9 ele LFA):