Surprisingly 4 m opened late at night last night! Probably not many expecting such a late time opening that late in the Sporadic-E season thus activity was rather low and not many QSOs done. But good to catch IO94 for a new one, thanks Clive! 😎
------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX BAND MODE PROP. QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------ 21:34 EI4DQ IO51WU 55 52 4 m. SSB ES 1512 21:36 GM4FVM IO85WU 59 59 4 m. SSB ES 1092 21:41 G3UVR IO83KH 59 59 4 m. SSB ES 1150 21:46 G4FJK IO8ØHV 59 57 4 m. SSB ES 1226 22:24 G4FVP IO94FM 599 579 4 m. CW ES 1041 22:43 GI4SNA IO64XM 579 599 4 m. CW ES 1331 23:08 EI3IO IO63WF 579 559 4 m. CW ES 1349 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Actvity being that low it was a good chance to check some beacons again. 😉 Heard were GB3CFG (IO74), GB3BUX (IO93), EI4RF (IO63), GM8RBR (IO67), GB3RAL (IO91) and finally G4JNT/P (IO80). The latter being a small 600 mW + dipole beacon and still pounding in at 549 when I decided to call it a day at 1:30 am local time. 😉
G4JNT/P beacon, 600 mW + dipole, sending CW ID and PSK31 telemetry on 4 m: